

Nuno Bettencourt of Extreme to another ...
By Nicolas Didier Barriac - The October 12, 2010
Between the tour with Rihanna, the DVD release of Live Extreme (Take Us Alive) and the preparation of the next studio album, Nuno Bettencourt's life is fairly loaded. Fortunately, before the Paris concert of the queen of R & B guitarist was able to liberate a few minutes and talk to us about these three projects that use different aspects of his personality.
How did you get to play with Rihanna on tour in support of Rated R? What were your motivations?

Nuno Bettencourt :The motivation is always money (laughs)! In fact, not at all, believe me, because I'm very badly paid on this tour. Anyway from what I think I am worth ... In fact it all happened by accident. A friend of mine is the artistic director of Rihanna. He knew that the Extreme tour had ended and asked if a different project could interest me. He said that Rihanna was trying to make their music more heavy live. As his music has many influences, funk, R & B and hip hop, because he thought I would finally my game often contains these colors. I went to rehearsals and I broke my leg to put on all those hits. And the tour itself is quite relaxed because I am not the "artist". I do not need to do meet and greet, not too many interviews, I did not even need to sing (laughs)! I compose songs for Extreme same time and I feel like a vacation.

Before playing for her, were you familiar with the repertoire of Rihanna?
N. B. : Somewhat familiar. I am a fan, actually. I believe there is a huge difference
difference between someone like Britney Spears and Rihanna. She is more adventurous and his style is excellent. The compositions are very good especially on the last album. So, we interpret the extracts have an atmosphere more subdued and somber at times. Treatment "rock" is very appropriate.
The concerts are certainly a different world than you know. Did you learn some interesting things that might serve you in the Extreme?
N. B. : I've actually never seen such a thing. It's a bit of a concert at the Cirque du Soleil with a ton of dancers, props and songs! It's pretty fun to play and see a great show right next to you! There are constantly things that move, people who jump, special effects, monitors, etc..
In the audience, there are people who look at you sometimes (laughs)?
N. B. : No. People did that for her. Sometimes there are some guys who look at me and say "It is not the type of Extreme? "But it remains above all the spectacle of Rihanna and people are only interested in her. I think all musicians and dancers know it when we go on stage (laughs). I could be doing the best solo of my life, but if it is on the other side of the stage in the process of drying your face, people will watch this (laughs). They are right, besides, it's his show.
Does your experience with Rihanna will have an impact on future songs you'll write and therefore those Extreme?
N. B. : Obviously. Any choice causes something. If one evening, I go to a jazz club, I would not write necessarily jazz pieces in the aftermath but that influence me. In addition, as is my custom, I will write directly on the road, in buses and hotels so the impact will be fresh!
Speaking of Extreme: A question on the title Midnight Express, very popular during your live performances and is a beautiful version played on your DVD, Take Us Alive. Is this piece was difficult to write where is it was built naturally without too much effort on your part?
N. B. : I think I wrote it in my room one day when I was not on tour! All came from the unusual pace for me in 6 / 8. I jammed from the rhythm of the congas and I came with lots of different vignettes that sometimes reminded me of Four Sticks by Led Zeppelin. So yes I wrote it without much trouble once I let myself be imported by the rhythm and also by the film Midnight Express. All this has done a good coincidence. I really love this track but now I am tired because I played too. It is still a song that I'm proud and I always look forward to playing at our concerts.
You've waited long to release a live album. Why?
N. B. : Because it's pain in the ass and I never really liked the approach (laughs). I always thought that a concert should be kept in mind for those who came. It's hard to capture the magic of this event on tape. The group seemed less energetic and passionate he really is. The volume, alcohol and sweat are not there either ... Take Us Alive is playing well but I find it still does not do justice to what we are ...
At the same time, it's a DVD, not a real concert, so it's normal ...
N. B. That's true. I should perhaps not say because you have people buy it but you're right. If you love Extreme - or any group for that matter - come support us by buying concert tickets. You know, basically I think the studio albums are not as important as the concerts either.
As a lover of music, you never likes to watch a live DVD, even other groups?
N. B. : I'm not a big fan, no. Groups tend to get bored because I feel nothing. I see but I feel nothing. Like only see DVDs of groups that no longer exist. For example, Led Zeppelin. Sometimes we feel still some fusion, a kind of energy that binds the top musicians of them. My impression is that before the groups did not care to be filmed. Today, as soon as the filming of the DVD is expected, the groups no longer think of nothing else and it strongly affects the way you play and behave. Now, take the example of these old bands and be totally released in the head and his game
What are the plans for the next album Extreme?

N. B. : I write stuff on this tour with Rihanna. So I hope that by winter, I'm finished and I have enough ideas to make this album. This would be perfect to be touring again for most of next year.

Extreme - Take Us Alive


其中提到關於「Take Us Alive」Live DVD的事情,是Nuno不喜歡拍攝Live DVD,

終歸就是Nuno不喜歡被拍攝的感覺,所以2009年出的「Take Us Alive」是他們第一支Live DVD.... 

他自己覺得他沒什麼厲害的這樣... 沒什麼可以展現的.... 
你這不是太謙虛過了頭嗎Nuno.... 你就是太性格太有個性啦!
唉~話說回來我怎麼捨得掐死Nuno啦... 愛他都來不及了... 
真的真的好想見你啊Nuno...... 老天讓我美夢成真吧!!!

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