依舊風情萬種的Baz.... XD
樂手頻頻要價 Sebastian邀請John 5加盟新專輯
2009年07月30日 03:21 北京新浪網
新浪娛樂訊 北京時間7月30日消息,據國外媒體報道,加拿大重金屬歌手塞巴斯蒂安-巴哈(Sebastian Bach)近日透露,他正與Rob Zombie的吉他手John 5討論共同製作新專輯的事宜。他説,原來的樂隊成員總是動不動就要錢,這讓他不堪重負,不得不尋找新的合作伙伴。
塞巴斯蒂安-巴哈1987年加入了重金屬樂隊Skid Row(貧民窟),那時他才18歲。1996年,他被樂隊開除,便開始了豐富多彩的個人經歷。他組建過樂隊The Last Hard Men(最後的硬漢),現在擁有以自己名字命名的樂隊——塞巴斯蒂安-巴哈和朋友們(Sebastian Bach & Friends)。他經常與其他樂隊合作,例如絲絨左輪和槍花。他還在老朋友埃克賽爾-羅斯為槍花發行的最新專輯《中國民主》(Chinese Democracy)中獻唱,其中有一首歌《Sorry》的背景和聲就是他唱的。
John 5也許正是塞巴斯蒂安心目中真正優秀的音樂人。他近日在Twitter的博客上宣佈,自己正與John 5討論,邀請他為即將發行的新專輯創作和錄製一些歌曲。他説:“(John 5)要來幫我錄新專輯!我現在能量大增了!”此外,據報道,塞巴斯蒂安之前曾與吉他手Johnny Chromatic進行過“真誠的交談”。他參加了塞巴斯蒂安的上一張CD《Angel Down》(天使墜落)。塞巴斯蒂安當時説:“(約翰尼)説他有一大堆比《Stuck Inside》(刺入內部,出自《Angel Down》)更好的曲調。讓我們等著瞧吧。”Linden/文
Since then, the guys I have had in my band have seemed to have gone on their own separate ways. I was forced to turn down 5 shows this summer: Gods Of Metal , Sweden Rock, MetalWay in Spain, & 2 shows in Quebec Canada with my heroes KISS. The unbeleivable reason I had to turn down these killer shows was simple: I could not get ahold of all my band members, or I could not afford financially to pay my band to rehearse & do the shows. This situation can never happen again. I love the band on 'Angel Down', but now that album is 3 years old. Despite my repeated emails, phone calls etc...we have not come up with a single new song in 3 years now. This situation can not go on.
I am looking for musicians who love to play & create new music . Who need to play music. Who live to play music. I cannot make a good album when I have to pay all the band members to rehearse. I simply cannot
afford to pay a musician to sit down & write a song with me. I myself have never once been paid to rehearse, or write a song. I do it because I love it. I do not understand the mentality of some of the
musicians I have worked with, who demand payment to rehearse, to get better, to sharpen their craft in order to destroy the whole world on big stages & in the studio. In my mind, a good musician , a
true musician, LOVES to rehearse, plays all the time, because they want to get better. Not individually. As a BAND.
I am not saying I dont want to ever play with the 'Angel Down' guys again. On the contrary, they all know I would love to get crackin' on some new sounds with them right now. But they are all busy, or
worse, I can't get ahold of them. The official word from the guitar & bass player in my current band, through management, is "call us when there's some gigs". What they don't get is, my heart is not just
into playing the old music right now, my heart is always in creating new music, & putting out another CD. Then there will be tons of gigs.
常常在一些訪談中看到Baz似乎一直想擺脫掉Skid Row這個過去,
不想只是演出以前那些Skid Row的老歌,想要創作新的歌曲、新的風格。
Don't try to impress me with playing old Skid Row songs. That is the easy part. It just ain't about 'what happened in 1991' anymore. My intention is always to create new music that is better than anything I have ever put out. That will take every ounce of time, passion, commitment, heart, balls , & fury we got. If you think you can write a better song than '18 & life', 'I Remember You', 'Youth Gone Wild', 'American Metalhead', 'Monkey Business' , or 'Stuck Inside', I wanna meet you. I'm sure the writers of all of those songs can write even better songs than those. But, they do not ever show any new music to me, or write any new music with me. Truth is , I am bored as f**k right now. Does anyone want to rock?
感覺上Baz似乎一直懷才不遇... (我知道一定有人想吐槽說Baz沒有才)
年輕時成名的太早,成功來的太快,加上他自身的個性還有永遠「Youth Gone Wild」的調調,
他現有的團給我的感覺是,其他人的存在都是為了襯托Sebastian Bach,
這不像個樂團,樂團應該是一體的,(雖然很多樂團都是主唱最引人注目.. 就連以前的Skid Row也是如此)
由他們「排練要錢、演出要錢、創作寫歌也要錢,有演出再Call我.. 」這樣的行為就可以大概看得出來...
如果Baz在演出的時候完全不唱以前Skid Row的老歌,會有多少樂迷買帳?
希望他能跟那位John 5 做出好歌來唷.... 希望....